A Few Findings, Updates, and More…

Hello, welcome to or back to my family history blog. I have a few cool new updated family tree template photos which were sent in my email to check out from Family Search, as well as some cool findings via Relative Finder from Family Search, and WikiTree updates that match my mtDNA full sequence report.

I am finding the further I get into my family tree and breaking down my autosomal Family Finder DNA test, and mtDNA full sequence report. It’s seemingly more everywhere and all over than ever before. I want to streamline everything (as much as possible) as I’ve discussed before for future generations I’m passing the workload onto.

I’ve got some updates to take care of on the Percy side. I am so blessed and grateful to run into distant cousins (other Percy/Piercy/Pearcy) for cross-reference. A distant cousin (has to be) and I are following each other on X. Recently found out we are both Piercy’s as we don’t have our last name in our handle.  She told me there is no Bollsecum, Ireland. It does NOT exist… I couldn’t get it out of my mind, so I did some investigating.  How could so many people be wrong?? But it is true, I found with more research, an actual typo repeated from the original typo, and I could not find it anywhere either. With more digging found it looks as though he was born in  BURLESCOMBE, DEVON, ENGLAND 🇬🇧. But yet there is over 20 John Percy’s born in Burlescombe, Devon, England in 1645. So I’m being told via a 5th cousin that’s a Pearcy, and he did confirm it’s Burlescombe, and that he also does not think Jane Stanwood is our John Percy’s wife. John Percy immigrated to Virginia.  Jane Stanwood lived and married a John Pearcy in Massachusetts, and one tree says she lived and married. Dinwiddie, Virginia. Even though I believe he was the only John Percy here in America at that time? I have more digging to do still. There are also immigration records I found where a John Percy came by boat to America, via Virginia.  👏 I also have his marriage records, to… Jane Stanwood in Mass. But my cousin said he couldnt read them. I will place them below. I do not know however if it is the same John.

#1 It was passed down into the paperwork. A typo repeated over time we came to the conclusion. 

#2  More than 1 John Percy came to America. One says Virginia 1713, but there is also findings that a John Pearcy came in the late 1600’s. We all know that he landed in Virginia. Other John’s landed in other places.  It is argued by many if this is the John Percy that married to Jane Stanwood, some say yes it is, others say absolutely 💯 not! I say what a jumbled mess!

#3 Luckily, I can, and have gone, and will go again to the genealogy library, and look at the Percy family trees at that time via the Percy-Mortimer books. (see photos below of my research) I will make it a point to go back and look at the immigration records if I can first hand, take some photos if I do find anything. I think I may be able to find something somewhere. Maybe. Just like a treasure hunt!!! I sure wish my dad was here! He would go with me and would have loved this adventure!! He made me promise him while he was on his death bed, that I would never stop searching for our ancestors and working on this tree, and that right there is a promise I know I can keep.

That’s a start.

1713 John Percy Comes to America

Immigration: 1659 Virginia, USA

Source: S21 Bristol Registers of Servants Sent to Foreign Plantations, 1654 – 1686

I am planning a trip to a Genealogy Library and I’ll see if they have this. If not, it may be an investment for me and worth buying.

Marriage Records of a John Pearcy and Jane Stanwood July 17, 1673

Come to find it may be that all this is the wrong information that has been attached. Our John Pearcy/Percy is a different John Pearcy is what we are believing and knowing to be true.  This is a John Pearcy that arrived before our John though supposedly our John was the first to arrive. This is where all the confusion sets in. Different years too. UNLESS. In my investigations I am in fact able to find undoubted PROOF that our John Immigrated, married Jane Stanwood, and lived in Massachusetts before leaving back to England, going to Ireland before getting on the boat. He says he’s from Burlescombe, but it sounds like Bollsecum, and he’s from England, BUT because of immigrating back he came THROUGH and not from, and possible rearriving in 1713 making it look like 2 seperate people when in fact it could be the same man? And the rabbit hole gets deeper, and deeper. This is just a theory. BECAUSE of this below … it says below BOLLSECUM, IRELAND and JANE STANWOOD but married in Dinwiddle, Virginia, which IS OUR JOHN! So now, finding other confusion on others trees, matching confusion. BUTTTTTT…… I found a mistake … in another tree of someone else, they have BURLESCOMBE, DEVON, ENGLAND… again another BUT… I found another of someone’s mistakes!!! The year of the son is before the father was born!!!! How can they make this serious of a mistake! Compare them below…


*Please keep in mind I’m not doing this to call out individuals but fix the mistakes, so if there are any they have to be fixed at least on my side we can get the right information on Family Search, and all these other sites to match what it is on WikiTree at least.

As you see above, I do NOT believe William Pearcy had John Pearcy at 8 years old!?

And I do NOT believe Josceline Percy had William Percy/Pearcy at 7 years old!?!?!

Below you will find some of the books of researched through and will time and time again to look for ancestors, sources, and just information in general.

Next are some findings via Relative Finder and WikiTree below. I think it will help my future generations stay organized.

Relative Finder and Family Search

This has been my family history journey the last few months. Few steps forward, few steps back.

Having it on WikiTree has been a huge help to whoever is working on it. I think they pick people and work down to their descendants maybe. But so much information and new information in seeing somehow weekly, and it never gets old to me, just jumping into the rabbit 🐇 🕳 hole.

I’m looking forward to seeing what, who else pops up as an ancestor. In finding many ancestors are also my aunt via another line and or 1st cousin 14x removed or more. As on WikiTree I don’t have all my information up yet.

I’m not gonna share the heck out of this mainly because I see no reason to, as it’s just exciting finds for me of the last few months and it is mainly to pass on, for research, and staying organized. And I still need to update John Pearcy in my Piercy Roots, which I will do soon(ish).

~Dawn Piercy, PhD

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